My Real Me

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Anger in general

Sometimes I feel so angry. At what? I dont know really, angry at all, angry in general, angry with life, angry with everyone that surrounds me. Angry because I can't control my own life. Angry because people don't treat me as I would like to be treated and how I try to treat people. Is it so difficult to just be nice, to not go around putting knives in people's backs? Or treat them as filth, to use them and then throw them away as a used up tissue?

Sometimes I get so angry, inside my head I imagine all sorts of things I would lile to do to people. To people that have hurt me. I wish I could hurt them back. And not only in their feelings, like physically. I imagine all sort of gory things I would like to do to them. Cut, maim, hit, dismember, disbowel, destroy completly. I do believe they deserve it. Or even more cunningly sorts of hurts, like doing awful things to their beloved ones and letting them see it all. After, I kind of feel bad for having these thoughts. I think, maybe I am not a very nice person for imagining all these things, maybe I should have my head checked.

I’ve never told anybody about this. Why? Well, I dont care much for those white suits that they bind around you. And I have never, ever actually done anything, I always repress them. Maybe this is what everyone feels, we all feel this anger inside us boiling up and trying to free itself and we just push it down inside us, trap it up in the bonds of civilization.


Anonymous said...

haha its ok, everyone gets these feelings sometimes including myself. Everyone has a little hidden anger once in a while. I just made sure to surround myself with people I can trust and know that are good for me, make me happy, and they helped me mend some of the inner pain that i was keeping to myself inside. The person that I put my heart out for the most is an adult friend that i get all my advice from when i feel lost in life.

Anonymous said...

mm thats my two cents of the day. hope it helps in any way.

(btw i didn't intentionally meant to make that rhyme x.x)

Mimi said...

Thanks David, it is nice to know that other people feel like that too, and I am not completely bonkers :-)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.